Friday, February 27, 2009

kisah kelima (5) jehovah's getaway saya: sape nak jadi matang? ha? sape?!.....(sunyi)........aa thought so :)

mengharungi dunia pra-dewasa dengan langkah langkah ke-anak anakkan

terima kaseh ganjaran cuti hujug minggu.
terima kaseh daun daun hijau yang enak dibakar sehingga oren.
kalian sungguh tampan.

kisah keempat (4) jehovah's getaway saya: selangkah ke-alam cuckold-herba.

fawaz sampai.


lepak makan je jap then lepak bilik.
diorang teros nak tumpang mandi.
kitorang ok je.
diorang mandi sekali.

kitorang pulak jalan lagi aktiviti penyelaman.

lepas tu all four toe's down lepak sekatil.
aku da rabak.

co.pilot aku tolak kepala aku straight kat paha saeda, seolah mintak diriba-i.

pastu co.pilot memainkan permainan "perghh dat perghh" dengan aku.
aku gelak je sebab ingatkan fawaz tak paham atas sebab otak tak tak sama channel.

sekali fawaz.berak.lawas ni boleh pulak jawab:
dude dude.. awek gua tu dude.

hijau muka aku.

p/s: ok. tepi tepi, nak pergi main gusti. hiyarghhh!

kisah ketiga (3) jehovah's getaway saya: 3selaman, cuaca 16 darjah celcius, fawaz yang makin hampir | aku dah mula nampak macam macam.

aku dah puas perati muka yeen dalam dua tahun ni, akhirnya aku tau yeen ni mimik binatang apa.

aku selalu tgk lama lama muka yeen tambah tambah time dia samuk grumpy tak tentu hala,

last last aku perasan.
muka yeen macam kala-jengking.

kalau garang, garang sungguh
tapi kecik!

p/s: BS la u yang.

kisah kedua(2) jehovah's getaway saya: dengan bakat yang ada, aku kena bukak flickr' ni. hahahahha

tadi aku snap gambar ni.
masa tu angen pringles tengah laju.
hasilnya adalah gambar ni.
aku suka ar.
artsy plus elegant.

actually aku suka sebab aku rasa aku

nak letak jadi aku punya profile pict-lah.

better go for layout skin je ye tak?

p/s: bila lagi nak rasa comel, hensem dan romantik? tentulah semasa diawan biru bersama 'dania'-peribadi.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

kisah pertama (1) jehovah's getaway saya:our bad breath even comes in sound

sampai sampai aku terus uruskan hal akomodasi.

sampai bilik je aku terus set bilik sampai jadi stail nak mampos.
bukak channel4 movies. pasang sambil mute.
on laptop.
bukak winamp,
select lagu cinta kami yang aku compile semalaman suntuk sambil bual bual dengan kawan rumah. (lama betul xlepak macam tu).

dah setel suma, lampu pun dah dim.
tilam dah terkopek sikit selimut dia.
aku dengan yeen pantas terjun ke air terjun hijau.

kena seround sorang,
bergolek golek atas katil... aku terbau nafas kitorang.
busuk gila!

punyala busuk,
sampai aku straight recommend ajak yeen gosok gigi secara beregu.

p/s: sapa kata tempat sejuk lambat naek? ha? sapa?
yahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!

it just a figure. really

110myr = 110kg ?


i have no grudge.

it just another story that makes me learnt.

and perhaps,
when i am old enough, too tired to watch football, got nothing to do and not anymore can control my wee-pee,
i will re-tell this story just to filling up my day.

pardon me,
for just being an old 70years old emotional guy who spend his last stage of life talking about that bloody life-tunnel.
i am such a boring person.

apedaa... suara macam doralin

tadi balik dari kl.
aku singgah 7e.
nak beli pringles untuk tujuan yang tak boleh di-disclose-kan.

aku masuk 7e dengan yeen.
dalam 7e ade awek nuar.
ape tah nama dia.
tak lawa mana.
tapi satu ketika dulu aku dengan sorang kawan penah minat kat dia secara sensual.

so dalam 7e aku usik usik yeen dengan usha lama lama awek nuar tu tadi.
yeen terus beraksi cemburu peluk peluk aku bagai.
aku tepis dalam ketawa.
tetiba barang mat tadi naek balik.
berdekah dekah aku dekat kaunter tu melayan permainan manja-muntah-manja kitorang.

masuk sorang brader ni.
badan tough.
mesti mat gym.
pakai baju putih dengan jaket memancing kat luar.
dia pakai bangle kat tangan kiri,
pakai jam kat tangan kanan.
misai nipis tapi memanjang sampai tepi mulut.

uisshh bukan calang calang ni.
tampak seakan seorang pak polisi preman.
aku dah cuak.
takot kantoi ape ape.
so macam tetibe masing masing tarik diam.

keadaan depan kaunter 7e tu bertukar pada mode serius.

brader tu at last bersuara,
"maxis seploh~~~!"

badan bapak sendo.
suara haluuus.
aku terus pecah balik.
gelak terok sampailah masuk dalam keta.

awek nuar hilang entah kemana.

carling cup is calling!

spurs are undoubted underdogs for the final on sunday.
but then even underdogs can bite.
raff raff!!!

The problem is that i can't see any of the United players staying still for long enough to get bitten.
syushhh syushhh :)

Let the game commence.

ape aa? susah kan?

tadi man tanya aku
"nape suka berkurung aa?"

aku senyum je.
takut aku nak jawab.
nanti aku takut man abstrakkan hipotesis bukan bukan.

tapi aku sempat jawab dalam hati
~"bukan berkurung kawan, tapi dua tiga bulan ni, kehendak privasi-lonewolf aku menjadi jadi"~

betol dow...
takde sebab sebab lainnye.

naik basikal, kayuh panjat bukit, lepas tu turun bukit laju laju sambil jerit

esok aku akan bersukaria.
selama 3hari 2malam.

tido hotel.
pagi pagi, breakfast hot dog cicah cheese.
lepas tu topup plak scramble egg sambil menghirup teh uncang lipton cameron highlands.

tido hotel.
tengok pemandangan tinggi dari tingkap.
bergumpal dalam susunan selimut ketat (yang tendang-lah banyak kali macam mana sekalipun mesti takkan terlerai dari tilam. -tabek housekeeper).
lepas tu leka leka bergurau senda, aley aley kena strike dengan mood romantic.

semua ini takkan terjadi tanpa usaha.

fikir fikir balik...
semua ini takkan terjadi kalau aku bukan penyabar.

mentol fikiran menyala lagi...
semua ini takkan terjadi kalau aku susah memahami orang.


semua ini takkan termakbulkan jika aku seorang escapis normal yang kerap berselindung dibalik kata kata cantik popular 'hidup ibarat roda, adakala kita diatas, adakala kita dibawah'.

aku sanggah kata kata ini!

kata kamu: ianya tulus.
aku setuju.
ia terlalu beremosikan penyerahan.
aku pula kabur dengan emosi berserah.
tak kira apa saja fundamental SERAH.
datanglah ia dari cabang escapisme,
hatta 'proses kehidupan dara-isme sami' sekalipun.
aku jadi gatal mata memikirkan ke-relevan-an-nya.
oops, excuse me.

maka hidup aku senang aku gambarkan dengan kata kata yang aku rasakan haq' pada akal fikiran dan perasaanku.

ingat, ini adalah apa yang aku percaya, kamu tidak dipaksa untuk mengangguk ya?

aa again, ini adalah kata kata yang aku percaya,
'hidup ini ibarat mengayuh basikal. apabila aku sudah letih dan tiba di hujung bukit, aku tahu aku tak perlu mengayuh lagi untuk turun.'

dan esok,
aku akan menuruni bukit dengan lapang dada.
tapi aku tetap teringatkan yang selepas ini,
realitinya adalah,
aku perlu memanjat bukit itu semula.

but again,
at the moment,
the hard-fought fruits, is finally ripen.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

i am 2years old today

3tahun dulu aku sibuk mencari definisi hidup sosial terbaik untuk aku bawa hingga hari mati.

2tahun lepas aku jumpa apa yang aku cari.

dalam 2tahun, aku evolusikan hidup dan mencipta saat saat pegun yang pasti akan aku gelakkan di tahun tahun yang akan datang.

dalam masa 2tahun sudah aku abstrakkan segala kepercayaan dengan nilai teguh pada sisi "keseronokan" dan "adventur".

dan tadi aku mengangguk bila monolog dalaman menyarankan agar aku terus berlari untuk seratus tahun lagi.

Monday, February 23, 2009

normal? not really

sekolah rendah 6tahun aku pakai tie. 

sekolah menengah 5tahun aku pakai tie 

zaman diploma 3tahun aku pakai tie 

setahun keja, hari hari aku pakai tie. 

further degree, 4tahun lagi kena pakai tie 

esok jadi cikgu, smpai umor 58thn aku pakai tie. 

no way jose...

Make no mistake, though, he’s under big pressure to win the Champions League. Bear in mind Inter sacked Roberto Mancini after dominance in Serie A. 
Domestic success isn’t enough at the San Siro. 
They are demanding European glory and are fed up of being in the shadow of AC Milan, who have won the European Cup seven times.  

Is the Special One up to it? 
Not if Sir Special One has anything to do with it.  

glory glory

Sunday, February 22, 2009

pada siapa yang mencari aku semalam. (hi mak)

semalam aku di kuala lumpur. 
semalam aku menyedut asap ketawa dengan bunyi super air-cond dari pejabat borjuis. 
semalam aku menyedut asap ketawa di sebuah squatter yang didiami manusia yang memandang alam dengan paksi-paksi subjektif. 
semalam aku menyedut asap ketawa dengna bereksperimentasi musik musik elektronikal. 
semalam aku menyedut asap ketawa dengan dijanjikan nasi mamak plus ayam madu. 

aku ditemani teman hidup, kawan, dan juga a couple of superficial ballot. anak yusuf gajah katanya yang sorang ni. 

sama sama kami melayan masing masing yang punya keinginan untuk menjerit bebas dan hidup berpaksikan apaa yang golongan lain istighfar-kan. 

weekend itu panjang. 

seronok dapat bereksperimentasi
seronok dapat berkomunikasi 

dan yang paling tinggi, 
seronok dapat melintas batasan norma dan kepercayaan 

ha tak style lagi wan! 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

on malaysia's own sarah palin.

everyone is craving for a phone with a built-in camera.
who doesn't.
its not necessarily important, but its a must yes?
so do i.
so do u.
so does elizabeth wong.

and everyone is having a giddy snappy pic.
its not necessarily a habit, but it does happen once in a while yes?
so do i.
so do u.
so does elizabeth wong.

everyone is somehow if not snap it, but for sure come to think about snapping a nude phots of self yes?
so do i.
so do u.
so does elizabeth wong.

whats wrong with this ah-so?
she just having her jolly good time.
like everyone else who's utilising on everything that they got.

leave eli alone malaysia.
she's done nothing wrong.
nude-snap is a growing literacy in nowadays world.
wake up.


isn't she beautiful?

Monday, February 16, 2009

rules of the jungle

ada ke?
aik tadi kata ade?
mana ade. putus.
aa oke.

kalau kao kedekut dgn aku, kenapa aku harustidak kedekut dgn kao walaupun kita berhajat untuk berpusing pada dunia yang sama.


Friday, February 13, 2009

nak muntah, muntahlah.

aku pasif pada hari valentine.
aki tidak berpusu pusu menghidu cinta yang berarak di udara februari.

aku memang teringin.
aku juga sedikit feminin.
itu melambangkan sentuhan ranjang mak dan bapak jatuh adil kenaluri aku.

tapi aku gagal berganjak menyertai kumpulan accomplis hari mempengeringati saint valentinI~.
banyak rancangan tebal pada hari-hari sebelumnya.

namun tiba dia saat aku patut trigger the love-gun.
aku terfikir.

-tak perlu valentine. tak perlu 14.2. tak perlu kucup.
kerana aku telah mengagungkannya setiap hari setiap tahun.
kerana hari hariku semuanya berimpakkan 14.2
kerana yeen adalah valentine-


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

what do you mean by it is too strong? and whats wrong if its too strong?

journal review aku kena reject dgn puan lecturer. aku tak paham. sebab semalam aku buat kerja tu dengan sepenuh hati. aku kaji habis-habisan journal tu baru aku review. tapi alih alih, message sampai cakap kerjaaku kena reject. kimaung.

aku check kredit, cukup! ada 4.70myr.
aku call lecturer tu.

she said,
"its too strong. the journal i meant."

aku tanya,
"whats wrong if its too strong?"

dia jawab,
"then, i'm rejecting your work-lah."

"why ma'am?"
aku tanya semula, tak puas ati.

dia cakap,
"this is pretty much controversial laa, your article. you are questioning on the approaches of moslem country who teach western-literature. that is okay. but, by seeing the words you've constructed, i can see between the lines that you are questioning the sexual liberation and gender equality in the moslem country"

aku potong cakap dia,
"yes, thats is why i chose this journal (for me to review)."

lecturer aku balas balik,
but daj, while suggesting at your penutup that teachers should be open-minded in discussing western literature in the classroom bla bla bla, thats worries me you know."

aku diam. aku dah dapat agak apa yg akan jadi.

and dia sambung,
"its too heavy. it can cause something else later on. taboo. nevermind, you just work on another journal okay?"

aku letak telefon.

kalau semua benda nak elak taboo,
baik aku mengaji sekolah pondok, berok!

biarkan aku dilempiaskan dengan carut marut.

selamat berjaya.

kerana aku percaya baik buruk tingkahlaku aku tidak ada kena mengena dengan set set asas dosa dan pahala.

kerana pada aku struktur set baik buruk yang berskala pada jumlah dan majoriti adalah sangat pitiful.

kerana aku sukar untuk berubah menjadi satu susuk angguk yang pada hakikatnya mahu menggeleng.

kerana aku tidak bisa menjarakkan sesuatu batas sosialiti yang tidak pernahpun aku wujudkan perbedaan.

dan yang paling penting,
kerana aku tahu yang kelak kita akan berjumpa pada satu titik penyelesaian yang sering kita jadikan laman retorikal perhubungan.

maka, biarkan aku dilempiaskan dengan carut marut.
dan seperti yang aku katakan tadi,

selamat berjaya

berita untuk malaysia

when asked today if he thought he has the support of
a majority of the public in Perak, Zambry said:

is why we are here."

dont laugh at that answers yet.
carry on reading.
the next one is better.

when it was pointed out that he did not gain his

position as menteri besar via an election, he grew
visibly defensive and snapped back:

"what do you mean?
this is a democratic process."

see. this is funny yes? poor poor guy.

my dear menteri besar,

do you understand democracy?
i am asking you, do you
understand the political philosophy of democracy?

stop laughing son~

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

this is no scolari, this is GOD!

ten league titles, two champions leagues, five fa cups, two league cups, one uefa super cup, one inter-continental cup and one fifa club world cup speak volumes. not to mention two league and fa Cup doubles and of course the unprecedented treble in 98/99 (something we may eclipse this season!)

during the last 22 years rival managers have come and gone, with only arsene wenger at arsenal providing any long-term challenge to sir alex. Each time a new rival comes onto the scene like dalglish, mourinho, grant, benitez or scolari for example, it seems to drive the manager more and more to overcome their challenge. his hunger for success after 50 years in the game is incredible. his refusal to settle for second best is an example to us all.

of course, we still have to face the fact that one day in the future sir alex himself will step aside. personally speaking I hope that this day is many more years into the future and that by the time he does it, we will have completely usurped liverpool as the most successful english club of all time.

no matter what the future brings, sir alex ferguson's era is one that will never be forgotten by anyone who has lived through it.

Thank you, Sir Alex,
for everything you have done...
for my club.

easy peasy... poor you chelsea

roman abramovich may be appearing to lose interest now,

but remember that he is the reason that Chelsea fans are complaining about being fourth.

he is the one who uplifted the tiny club with cash injection and all to transforms chelsea into once a massive threat for the devil.

so stop whining blues,
just play along with your russian money-daddy.

as for me,
the departure of big phil is not really a big phew.
i like that old bloke.
but i just love the way the club keep on losing on every tournament prior to the old hunch footballers.

perhaps if tv pundit mr alan hansen is still doing his thing, he might just rephrase his '92 famous line with
"you'll never win anything with old chaps".

and i hope,
mr hansen do get it right this time.

so long.... chelsea.


Monday, February 9, 2009

ampun sit(d). aku bercerita pasal hidup aku lagi. pointless. tapi apa kao pedulik?!

banyak gila benda pending dalm list aku.

assignment je ada 4.
suma individual task.
fast aproaching valentine lagi.
2years annivessary lagi.

i have to start wearing my busy-hat already.
its gonna start esok.

perangai ini mak aku namakan perangai jerangkung.
comel la maznah.
dah la hari tu ade orang nk meminang dia.
tak malu!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

saya dan sahabat, menewaskan amalan demokrasi menculik

Blogger coin-operated daj said...

i feel sick to the core that a duly elected government can be toppled by the acts of four politicians who have betrayed the trust of the people who elected them.

i feel insulted as a Malaysian that ‘grasshopper politicians’ can tell blatant lies about being sick and taking a rest at home while they were actually holed up with our soon-to-be PM to bargain and sell their dignity(indignity) to the highest bidder.

but most of all I feel shattered by the action of a sultan I had such a high regard for before this shameful episode in our nation's history. For him to take sides and to allow the present elected government to be packed off so suddenly and so roughly is just beyond comprehension.

The four grasshopper YBs, where is your moral sense and maruah? How are you going to live with your conscience for the rest of your lives?

Soon-to be PM Najib, what is there really to be proud of when you win by dirty tricks? It is only a hollow victory and it will come back and haunt you very soon.

Tuanku Sultan Azlan Shah, what happened to your wisdom and sense of fairness?

but again, you wont haveanyeffects on this scenario i guess.

afterall you're just another stupid malay bloke arent you?

p/s: you're full of crap

February 7, 2009 1:54 PM

Blogger coin-operated daj said...

ignorant bloke!

February 8, 2009 12:30 AM

Blogger thought-think-view-review-act! said...

tapi kita patut berfikir bodoh maner yang mulakan prisip melompat parti ini.

nak gulingkan kerajaan pusat dengan mahu melobi 31 wakil rakyat BN di TAiwan...?

sombong tuer kadang2 perlu keatas orang yang tahu mengutuk tapi tak tahu menilai dengan rasional!!!

February 8, 2009 4:42 AM

Blogger ::i'm a dreamer:: said...

xperlu tunding siapa yang buat dulu

yang penting salah

sila semak balik apa definisi demokrasi yang paling basic, paling simple dan paling mudah

tengok konsep asal, baru lah bole nak bising ke apa

sekarang internet ada, sila la wiki

rakyat dan demokrasi tak boleh dipecah-pecahkan,.. itu unsur dalam demokrasi

macam mane nak dipanggil karipap kalau tak gunakan tepung yang dipintal2? mesti kau tau maksudnya secara metaforikal kerna kau-seperti post kau yang mengatakan orang perak bodoh- sudah tentu seorang yang bijak pandai

"sombong tuer kadang2 perlu keatas orang yang tahu mengutuk tapi tak tahu menilai dengan rasional!!!"

so adakah ko tau penilaian yang rasional?

sudah cukup rasional kah post ko sendiri?

atau semua yang kau tulis hanya berasaskan kepada aku-anak-johor-tempat-lahirnya-umno?

kolot.. rasionaliti mungkin jadi absurdity kalau penimbangan yang kononnya rasional itu ditimbang oleh pemikiran yang kurang rasional

February 8, 2009 8:44 PM

Blogger thought-think-view-review-act! said...

sebab demokrasilah dap kejap sokong,kejap tak sokong pkr...

sebab demokrasi anjuran baratlah
sultan tiada kuasa

sebab demokrasilah
manusia bodoh dalam memilih jalannya

sebab demokrasilah
negara diperkotakkatikan
diserang jika tak amal demokrasi yang ko banggakan...?

damn...buku suka membodo kepada orang yang tak tahu meneliti di tambah dengan fahaman falsafah ciptaan sendiri gabungan nafsu dan ahli falsafah yang hidup ntah di zaman mana, di kurun mana yang di gunakan di negara mana...

internet suka membodo kepada sesiapa yang mengambil bulat2 idea...

damn zombie

February 9, 2009 3:13 AM

Blogger thought-think-view-review-act! said...


Bagaimanapun, Dr Mahathir berkata, pembangkang, yang hilang kuasa mentadir kerajaan Perak, perlu sedar bahawa demonstrasi jalanan bukan budaya Malaysia dan menunjuk kekuatan seperti ini boleh berlaku terhadap mereka pada masa depan,
*maksud sebenar coretan GILER APER KORANG

masing-masing ada pandangan masing2
ader alasan masing2
sebab tuer kita di gelar makhluk yang berakal

February 9, 2009 3:42 AM

Blogger ::i'm a dreamer:: said...

maaf.. aku masih tidak nampak apa fungsi sultan itu sendiri

monarki sangat patut dijatuhkan

aku perkatakan tentang demokrasi kerana mereka-mereka telah menjaja bahwa negara ini demokrasi

oleh itu, demokrasikah tindakan mereka?

soalan yang simple cuma kau tak mampu nak hadam lalu menjawab dengan jawapan yang entah apa-apa

mungkin jawapan diselarikan dengan kemarahan

"RUSUHAN bukan cara CINA yang terkenal dengan kelicikan(untuk DAP)"

tiba-tiba kau nak membuat generalisasi bodoh, aku ulang lagi, generalisasi BODOH tentang kaum.. macam org cetek ilmu (padahal kau heboh kehulu ke hilir tentang daya intelek kau yang tak seberapa)

"sebab demokrasilah dap kejap sokong,kejap tak sokong pkr..."

sebab dap ada prinsip dorang, pkr pon ada prinsip dorang. ada isu yg dap sependapat dgn pkr, ada yg tak sependapat. kalau mic dan mca, dorang akan ikot bontot umno je, takut hilang kuasa. conform secara membuta tuli.. mungkin ni salah satu budaya bodoh kau, CONFORM tanpa mempersoal!

February 9, 2009 4:05 AM

Blogger coin-operated daj said...

demokrasi adalah pilhan.
anda boleh menjadi pro atau anti demoktrasi.
jangan takot, anda masih boleh memilih.
namun, jika kamu berdemokrasi, datangkalnlah dia dgn demokrasi yg betol.
bukan demokrasi yang menculik.

kamu seakan bencikan demokrasi yag menghalang pergerakan sultan.
siapakah sultan dimata kamu?
si agung kah?
tidaksaudara, beliau tidak patot dimonarkikan membabi buta.
sila baca sejarah.

kamu hebatan umno.
kamu membawa semangat menulis berpkasikan umno, itu tidak mengapa.
namun silalah memahami konteks politik itu sendiri dulu kawan.

tidak aku paksa kamu menyelam kealam syaitan kami ini, namun tak ada slaahnya mencari pelangi desekitar alam kami ini untuk beberapa ketika.

mengapa aku bencikan rampasan kuasa di perak?
sbb aku tinggal di perak.
aku sedar kerja2 yang djalankan menteri besar dari mana2 parti.
aku bukan northern boy yang diomokkan dgn kenabian umno.
ampon, otak aku pasti agak singkat, kerana otakku tak didoktrinkan helah belah umno.

umno tak salah.
umno itu umpama agama, tidak pernah salah,
namn pembawakannya bg aku salah.
tambahan pada apa yang dilakukan di perak.

menerima wakil rakyat yang korup adalah satu tindakan bodoh bg mana2 parti.
berdemontrasi itu satu tindakan bodoh.

tapi ia bukan tindakan rasis kawanku.
ia tindakan spontan mnusia yang amalannya tidak disukai pihak lain.

do watchur otngue there kawan.

cos ure bright,
ure in a very good future.
n to see u barking like tis, its wrencheing my heart jus so u kno.

but i do undrstand,
yang org menulis tentang apapun perasan dia.
so it wont count as a sin in my book.

wt im gona tel u is,
goodluck wit ur view, its ur right brother.


p/s: tell sid that kalo dia xnak tau pasal kehidupan seseorang from a blog, then dont bother reading.

February 9, 2009 5:00 AM

Blogger thought-think-view-review-act! said...

thanks for the advice...i am learning and will do so

February 9, 2009 11:21 AM

erm... no.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

rex non potest peccare? menyembah mohon derhaka.

The 'Perak incident’, for me, has served as the very large grain of rice that has tipped the scales - the scales being how exasperated I feel regarding our local politicians.

When I see the actions of and hear the words of our politicians-in-power, I feel very let down. I feel angry because they say and do the darnest things, and feel let down because Malaysia seems to be stuck in this 'broken tape recorder' loop of electing people into power who are not really worthy of the role of leadership.

The latest happenings in Perak confirm this. While Najib Abdul Razak flashes his smug smile to us, reminding us all that this is probably the only good thing politically that has happened to him in a while and the Sultan makes his decision in support of Najib, the wheels of democracy have suddenly gone in reverse.

Can't Najib, a politician for a government that espouses democracy, see that? Is he really happy with taking power in Perak this way - undemocratically? What is happening in Perak is undemocratic - make no mistake about it. It is only a simpleton who thinks of democracy as ‘majority wins!’.

No, democracy is more than that. Democracy means that the people's voices are represented as best as possible. I think it is a fallacy to conclude that somebody who jumps ship or hops to another party would continue to represent the people who voted for him/her in the first place.

Sure, it is possible. But is it likely? No, and certainly not seeing the strange circumstances of how it all happened in Perak over the last few weeks.

One 'hopper' hopped to PR, and then back to BN again! Surely, this ‘hip-hopper' would not get the same or similar votes if he ran today - there is clearly a lack of loyalty and consistency in this individual, and an indecisive and fickle leader is one that cannot lead well (well, either that, or he was some sort of 'spy'...who knows these days?).

And the hop from PR to BN is not exactly like a hop from Mcdonald’s to Burger King - the two parties differ very fundamentally in the way they do things (one is for 'divide and rule', the other is for global representation through ideals of justice and fairness).

Who would vote for this individual if elections happened now? This politician is clearly fickle to both ways of doing things.

Pak Lah has, of course, pointed out that the transition that is occurring in Perak is legal. Of course it's legal. But does that make it right? Legality and moral rightfulness sometimes do not go hand in hand. The same applies for 'legality' and 'democratically supportive'.

What is happening is legal, but it is not democratically supportive. What would be more democratically supportive would be for elections to be held in the state again. It is clearly the better 'democratically supportive' action.

Why? If things go as they are, BN will gain a majority through individuals who likely no longer enjoy the people's support. Again, democracy doesn't equal 'Majority wins!' - it's way deeper and bigger than that.

Though you know, it is interesting that PR intended to overthrow the federal government in a similar pattern a few months ago. I would like to think that they decided not to continue pursuing that approach due to the lack of democracy about it. Who knows?

But does anyone remember how much the BN folk, Najib included, were saying last year that doing that (taking over the government through these 'hip hoppers') would be democratically wrong? I certainly remember reading it in the papers. And when I read it, I thought, ‘You know what, they're right - it would be undemocratic’.

And now this happens. Good grief.

My guess is that Najib knows exactly what he is doing, the fact that it is an undemocratic way of seizing power in Perak. I further guess that he has guessed what I have, that is, if he supports the call for state elections and these elections go ahead, that BN would lose.

I guess they would lose because of this episode over the last week. Perhaps, he thinks, if he can get BN in control, do a good job, send lots of cash Perak's way, when the time for the next elections comes, that people would overlook this incident.

The sad thing?

My guess is that the people will. We've been selecting unworthy candidates as our leaders for decades - what's going to stop this trend from repeating in the future?

Politically, the right move. Democratically, the wrong move.

Normally, this is where our rulers step in to bridge the two.

But the Perak ruler does not seem to be as democratically supportive in this incident.

Go figure.

punishing 'the great teacher'

isu melompat parti politik ini mungkin datangnya dari amalan melompat rumah sewa!

who knows?

aku rasa aku comel!

sekejap tadi aku maseh marah kat yeen.
dia bangun lewat.
aku bangun awal.
aku lapar.
aku kejut dia.
aku kena marah.

aku tido balik. monyok. celik celik yeen da belikan aku makanan. tapi aku jual mahal. aku tak nak makan.

aku pegi caii dam.
aku kena sorang sorang.
lagi best dari tengok gelagat yeen nk pujuk aku tanpa skill. bodoh~

tapi bila dah stone2 mcm ni. aku terus tak jadi marah.

see..! stone membuat kita aman damai.

tetiba aku terpikir,
kalao laa org palestin dgn org isarel leh lepak satu pot sama sama stone2, mesti diorang tak perang.
kalao bagi najib dgn anwar ibrahim lepak satu pot, stone sama2, mesti perak takkan ada dua menteri besar.

aduu jauh dah pikir.

mee celup mane?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

the life list

because I’m a hell of a lot more likely to accomplish my goals if they’re all typed up and posted on the Internet…

1. visit Old Trafford.

2. visit every continent
north america
south america

3. become conversational in another language

4. get married before i reach 30

5. have children

6. complete a marathon

7. go on a cruise

8. visit all my relatives

9. take a photo with a celebrity

10. own a house

11. cook a complete meal. oh, god!

12. pay off my car

13. going for 3honeymoons

14. visit the grand canyon

15. send flowers to mak oh her birthday

16. ake silly pictures in a photo booth

17. attend a major religious service for at least four different religions.

18. milk a cow.

19. authoring a book.

20. swim with dolphins.

21. stop take a self portrait photo.

22. explore a jungle.

23. volunteer at a shelter home

24. skydive

25. put my hand in ten of the world’s oceans and bodies of water

26. be an extra in a movie or a television show

27. go backpacking for at least one month

28. ride a camel

29. kissing a dog

30. try something I’m afraid of doing

31. visit bali, indonesia

32. take recreational culinary classes

33. get naked on a nude beach

34. Read 20 books in one year

35. visit machu picchu

36. drive through a tollbooth and pay for myself and the car behind me

37. walk on a glacier

38. visit the Great Wall of China

39. send out a photo holiday card

40. playing pull-the-finger with my children

41. buy something for my families that they couldn’t afford on their own

42. leave a ridiculously big tip for a breakfast waitress

43. watch the sunrise at the beach

44. stay in an Ice Hotel

45. regularly smoking pot

46. have a real picnic

47. go to a music festival

48. stay at a spa for an entire weekend

49. attend a school reunion

50. Adopt a pet

51. Take a picture in the towns all 4 of my grandparents were born in

52. visit segovia spain

53. adapt to smartphones

54. leave my home city once a month for a year

55. leave my home country once a year for five years

56. visit scotland

57. ride in a submarine

58. take dance lessons

59. see the aurora borealis

60. go wine tasting

61. visit victoria falls in zimbabwe

62. write one handwritten card or letter per week for a year

63. learn how to ski

64. go white water rafting

65. travel alone

66. take LSD

67. spend hari raya on a beach

68. buy the perfect little black dress for my beau

69. go camping

70. get a tattoo

71. make homemade sex video

72. buy a nissan 350z

73. visit the galapagos islands

74. enter a writing contest

75. have sex on a train

76. swim in the Dead Sea

77. attend a white tie event

78. go canoeing

79. hitchhike

80. get my picture in a major newspaper

81. be able to complete twenty pull-ups

82. Host a dinner party

83. ride a zip line

84. go to the olympics

85. visit iran

86. go on safari in africa

87. spend a month as a vegetarian

88. go snorkeling at the great barrier reef

89. repair the house roof on my own

90. volunteer for 100 hours

91. hike a volcano

92. take my mom and sisters on a vacation

93. Walk out from a meeting

94. fly a kite

95. create a personal mission statement for myself

96. eat seafood for a week.

97. wear tuxedo

98. donate blood

99. learn how to change faces fast

100. show up at the airport with my bag and passport- take the first available flight

dream on...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

persetankan amaran anti-sosialisasi berkumpulan !

hari ni dgn hari semalam aku kejar dunia dadah macam dah takde hari esok.
berketol2 imbuhan narkotik masuk dalam badan.
melayang layang aku dalam masa 27jam tanpa henti.

balik pukul 3pagi, lepak lepak jap menghabiskan sisa indah halusinasi,
aku terus terjun masuk dalam studios-mode.

aku kalut sebab esok ade quiz pagi pagi buta.
first time cuba baca nota, aku gagal. maka lepak main facebook dulu sepam.

then tadi ni cuba balik,

laju pulak ilmu masuk.

tak susah mana pun lingusitics!
aku da hafal kaw2 everthing tht hv to be covered.
language's origin, 6core properties etc da melekat dalam otak.
tunggu masa je untuk dikeluarkan.

sape kata hisap dadah bagi otak lembap?
tak de pun.

at least,
im not summoned upon the stash that i'd taken.

"not yet", people might say...
"but later who knows" u might add.

"ah! korang memang cenggitu, selalu takut dengan benda yang masih diatas langit" aku membentak.