Thursday, February 19, 2009

on malaysia's own sarah palin.

everyone is craving for a phone with a built-in camera.
who doesn't.
its not necessarily important, but its a must yes?
so do i.
so do u.
so does elizabeth wong.

and everyone is having a giddy snappy pic.
its not necessarily a habit, but it does happen once in a while yes?
so do i.
so do u.
so does elizabeth wong.

everyone is somehow if not snap it, but for sure come to think about snapping a nude phots of self yes?
so do i.
so do u.
so does elizabeth wong.

whats wrong with this ah-so?
she just having her jolly good time.
like everyone else who's utilising on everything that they got.

leave eli alone malaysia.
she's done nothing wrong.
nude-snap is a growing literacy in nowadays world.
wake up.


isn't she beautiful?

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